While organizations were making efforts with their sustainability and CSR campaigns,

there were still obvious issues.

They usually solve the wrong problems,

assist the wrong communities

and offer the wrong help.

Most campaigns launched were cliché, unattractive

and outdated for 2024.

Meanwhile, affected communities and

potential beneficiaries were in desperate need

of engagement from external parties.

They faced real social problems

but often struggled to receive

the right kind of help.

Why are we doing nothing to solve this issue?

This is where Spativate steps in

then matches right leader organizations

with the right causes and communities.

Our mission is to add excitement

into sustainability and CSR campaigns, making them attractive yet impactful.

Your organization’s public perception will be elevated

by launching genuinely strategic campaigns.

For Spativate, campaign is a sweet combination of activation and initiative.

So, launching 15 Urbins at Rainforest World Music Festival is an activation while getting 15 schools

to design their recycling bins

inspired by Urbins is an initiative.

Here’s why we believe executing creative Activation

before Initiative is crucial:

Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check

Immediate visibility

Narrative setting

Engagement magnet

Media spotlight

Stakeholder attraction

Memorable impact

Long-term catalyst

Financial validation


Passion for Amplifying Social Impact

We're fueled by the idea of making social projects more engaging. Imagine if we could take important causes and make them so compelling that they capture more attention, earn genuine admiration, and, most importantly, effectively raise awareness.

Emulate and Localize for Swift Impact

When tackling urgent issues, we believe in looking at successful case studies. While innovation is vital, it's equally important to remember that some problems demand swift action. Emulate what works, localize it, and if it doesn't fit perfectly, tweak it. Speed and impact are our allies.

Real Change Starts Locally

We firmly believe that you don't need to tackle global crises to make a difference. By addressing local issues first, you can set off a ripple effect that touches lives and transforms entire communities.


When I was around 10 years old and my little brother was just 6, we found ourselves at a small shopping center in Kuching. Our parents were busy with Raya shopping upstairs and asked me to accompany my brother to buy him a KFC snack plate. However, there was a catch - I was fasting, as it was Ramadan.

So, we ordered and collected the snack plate, and I waited patiently while my brother enjoyed his chicken. It was then that a kind Indian couple approached us and asked, 'Would you like to order more?' Perhaps they noticed that only my brother was eating and sympathized with our situation. 'No, thank you. I'm fasting,' I replied, somewhat torn. At that age, I had mixed feelings. Should I be happy for their offer? Should I accept it and enjoy the KFC later? Did we appear in need of their sympathy? All I knew at that tender age was that I was thankful for their gesture, and I promised myself I'd pray for them whenever they crossed my mind.

Such small acts of kindness can leave an indelible impact on someone's life, often beyond our awareness. The fact that they cared about us made a significant impression. Fast forward to today, I've come to understand the concept of 'paying it forward.' I'm driven to make a positive impact on those around me, to bring a bit of happiness to their lives. While I can't make everyone happy, I'm determined to do my best. My hope is to scale this 'pay it forward' mentality through Spativate, where our agency can reach and inspire a larger audience to leave inspirational legacy.

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